Local Coalition Activities
Crow River Coalition – Items to Assist Breastfeeding Families
Crow River Breastfeeding Tent Flyer
Crow River “Dear Employer – I plan to pump” – Business Style Letter Template
Crow River “Dear Employer – I plan to pump” – Yellow Border Letter Template
Polk County Breastfeeding Coalition Updates: Meetings are every other month. Starting next week (April 22, 2019), we are implementing an “Anytime, Anywhere Initiative” with local businesses, restaurants and community entities. They will be signing a pledged supporting public breastfeeding, educate staff about the anytime, anywhere law and hanging a “Breastfeeding Welcome Here” window cling on/near their front door. Publicity and social media posts will share the initiative.
PCBC is still encouraging worksites to apply for the MDH breastfeeding Friendly designations and daycares as well. We are excited to have our first Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative receive designation in March 2019, from Baby Friendly USA (Fosston Essentia Hospital). Next steps are to assist them in the MDH Breastfeeding Friendly Maternity Center Designation.
Tammy Conn, IBCLC, RLCBreastfeeding CoordinatorPolk County Public Health/WICP.O. Box 403816 Marin Ave., Suite 125Crookston, MN 56716Direct Line: 218-521-7772Office: 218-281-3385
Quin County CHS Breastfeeding Coalition Activities – April 15, 2019
Survey of breastfeeding mothers/families January- June 2019 through survey monkey site; delivered to multiple sites, including newspaper article printed in area wide newspaper– coalition next steps to be guided by mothers’ needs
Support organizations providing Rock and Rest Areas at the 5 county fairs with breastfeeding resources and other needs as able.
Yearly activity for August Breastfeeding Promotion to be based on survey results
Coordination with SHIP worksite wellness strategy: Supply coalition breastfeeding information to worksites to have in lactation rooms- Offer the MDH Breastfeeding Friendly worksite information- Ongoing
Coordination with SHIP childcare provider strategy: Provide a packet to those providers working with SHIP to assist with their application for MDH Breastfeeding Recognition for childcare- Ongoing
Northland Community & Technical College (NCTC) lactation room- ongoing development of connections with staff to provide support
Continue to compile a list of lactation room sites in each county- provide Resource Brochure and ongoing support
Updated Human Milk Storage Guideline magnets with CDC changes made-being distributed
Continue to inform coalition members of breastfeeding educational opportunities available to provide consistent quality information to breastfeeding families.
Meetings held quarterly by conference call due to travel distance and time, encourage connections between medical and community services to support breastfeeding mothers.
Connie Hagen, RN, IBCLCInter-County Nursing Service101 Main Ave. N.Thief River Falls, MN 56701Phone: 218-681-0876Fax: 218-683-7099
Washington County Breastfeeding Coalition – April 18, 2019
In 2018 our coalition worked with a second HyVee grocery store in our county to achieve Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace status.
A Breastfeeding Coalition member worked with the County Correctional Health nurse supervisor to revamp and update a welcoming lactation space for correctional health nurses who returned to work and needed space to pump. SHIP dollars were used for much of this.
Plans are underway to work with the Forest Lake YMCA on pursuing Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Status.
A new Baby Café was opened in 2018 at Lakeview Hospital. Lakeview Hospital also achieved Baby Friendly Hospital in late 2018.
We are considering looking into the smaller portable pink lactation tents for community events as our current Lactation tent is quite large and cumbersome to set up for shorter one day events.
Maggie Domski, RD, LD, CLSPublic Health Program SupervisorWIC Program CoordinatorWashington County Dept of Public Health & Environment14949 62nd St NStillwater, MN 55082651-430-6649
2018 Goodhue Wabasha Pierce County Breastfeeding Coalition Summary of Activities
The Hastings Baby Café Open House on May 17, 2018 was a rousing success; in their new welcoming space, festive refreshments were served. Ronda did a radio interview for the occasion with KDWA. Congratulations!
Pierce County hosted a Baby Shower on June 17, 2018 as a chance for Peers to meet clients face to face, with breastfeeding bingo from Texas WIC program, food, prizes, and a food demo via a partnership with Food Wise program.
World Breastfeeding Week theme for 2018 was: Breastfeeding Foundation of Life.
Library displays appeared at 13 libraries within the 3 counties for the month of August.
SHIPP provided design and printing cost help for posters and display materials.
Rock and Rest booths at Pierce and Goodhue County Fairs served over 100 moms.
The Coalition spoke to the Fair Board offering SHIP grant money to include a permanent lactation space in their upcoming building remodel.
The Coalition partnered with SHIPP to sponsor Moment for Mom in Kenyon, on August 18, 2018 during the Rose Fest. Invitations were sent out to mothers through WIC, local clinics, ECFE. Advertised in social media and local papers; held a drawing for a car seat and gave away a bouquet of roses. Comfortable outdoor seating, food and drinks, diaper changing station, kids activities, area resources provided. Survey on local breastfeeding support needs conducted.
MN State College Southeast Early Childhood Professionals Conference was March 22-23, 2019. The Coalition partnered with Mayo Clinic Health System for a Vendor booth to support self-care of Day Care providers, as they empower breastfeeding families.
Lactation door signs in the spirit of 2019 World Breastfeeding Week theme: “Empower Parents – Enable Breastfeeding” are in the design stage with a grant from SHIP to encourage creative use of existing space for pumping or feeding at work or anywhere.