About the Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition

The Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition (MBC) was formed in January 2006 following the first National Conference of State Breastfeeding Coalitions. Since that time we’ve grown to include 36 local breastfeeding coalitions! The coalition membership has representation from the state and local health departments, the WIC Program (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children), hospital lactation departments, La Leche League, and other organizations and individuals who support and promote breastfeeding. The Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition became a 501 (c) (3) public charity effective 2009 and is qualified to receive tax-deductible donations.

Timeline of the first 15 years of MBC

Vision:  Breastfeeding:  Healthy Babies, Healthy Families, Healthy Communities

Mission:  Working collaboratively to create environments where breastfeeding is valued and supported to achieve natural infant feeding equity in all Minnesota communities.

The purpose of the Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition is:

  • to work collaboratively to increase the initiation, duration, and exclusivity of breastfeeding in Minnesota;

  • to promote public awareness and support for breastfeeding as the cultural norm;

  • to increase awareness of and compliance with the WHO Code;

  • to develop networks for sharing information among groups concerned about improving the health of mothers and babies through breastfeeding;

  • to serve as a resource for health care professionals and the general public through dissemination of information and materials on breastfeeding topics;

  • to encourage the development of local breastfeeding coalitions;

  • to raise charitable funds for the above; and

  • to engage in such other activities as are consistent with the foregoing.