Our Awards.
Triple H
Triple H refers to the “Healthy” in the MBC mission:
“Breastfeeding: Healthy babies, Healthy families, Healthy communities”
Previously, the Triple H award has focused on local, small businesses that have demonstrated breastfeeding support to its customers and employees. MBC recognizes that breastfeeding support can come from anyone and anywhere and therefore, has revised the criteria for this award.
Criteria for the Triple H Award:
• Any business, organization, or community leader who have demonstrated breastfeeding support
• Has created or advocated for lactation spaces for employees, customers, and/or the public
• Has developed a policy or guidelines related to breastfeeding support within their business, organization and/or advocated for policies to be incorporated into the community
• Has resources available for those with questions, concerns, and/or needing additional support
• If applicable, can provide pictures/documents demonstrating the above criteria.
Nominate a business, organization, and/or community leader today! The Triple H Award will be presented at the annual MBC meeting this Fall. More information regarding the deadline to submit nominations will follow.
To submit a nomination:
• Send an email to: director@mnbreastfeedingcoalition.org and put “Triple H Award Nomination” in the subject line
• Briefly explain why you are nominating this business, organization, and/or individual
• Pictures and/or supporting documents related to the above criteria should also be included
• Contact name, phone number, and email of the nominee
Rhonda Skelton Above & Beyond in Maternity Care Award
This annual award is presented by the Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition and Healthy Northland to honor the memory and work of Rhonda Skelton, a dedicated nurse and manager who worked hard to make hospital maternity practices Baby-Friendly. Rhonda directed the obstetrics department at Moose Lake’s Mercy Hospital where she had worked for 25 years. She was passionate about breastfeeding and early contact between a mother and her baby. For 10 years until her death in November 2016, Rhonda worked doggedly, going ‘above and beyond’, in her efforts for the hospital to achieve Baby-Friendly designation.
At the time of Rhonda’s death one year remained for the hospital to meet the requirements to obtain the Baby-Friendly designation. As a testament to her dedication and commitment to nursing, mothers and babies, the nurses at Mercy Hospital who all were inspired by Rhonda’s vision, followed her example and continued tenaciously to finish the hard work Rhonda started. The first Rhonda Skelton award was presented in 2017, the same year that Moose Lake’s Mercy Hospital was designated Baby-Friendly. The award recognizes a maternity center administrator or staff member who has shown dedication ‘above and beyond’ implementing maternity care breastfeeding best practices.
“Rhonda Skelton was a loving mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend as well as a caring, hardworking nurse who went above and beyond for her staff and patients. Between the stressors of being a manager, mother, and wife to an ill husband, she always remained strong and would do anything for anyone. The sacrifices she made will be remembered forever, which includes the sacrifice she made for my dad. I hope this award honors who she was as a medical professional but also who she was as an incredible person.”
-Laura Skelton
To receive a nomination form, please send an email to: director@mnbreastfeedingcoalition.org.